Key Benefits
Catalog of E-Learning Course Topics The e-learning courses listed below are not listed in any particular sequence and there is no particular order in which courses may be taken. Although some courses would logically be taken after others have been completed, there are no formal prerequisites and students can structure their program according to their interests and needs. The price for each course is $300, which includes the course text, self-study questions, an exam and a completion certificate. Contract Types: Students will learn about the many different types of contracts used in federal procurements and how to select the most appropriate type. The materials will explain the important differences between fixed-price and cost-reimbursement contracts; when and how to use indefinite delivery contracts such as ID/IQ contracts and requirements contracts; and how to effectively use options, Level-of-Effort, and Time-and-Materials contracts. Competition Requirements in Federal Procurement: Students will learn how to comply with the competition requirements of the Competition in Contracting Act (CICA) and how to justify use of the various exceptions to the requirement for full and open competition. The materials will also cover the effect of restrictive specifications on competition and the elements of effective acquisition planning. Performance-Based Contracting: Students will learn all of the essential elements of performance-based contracting (PBC) and how to comply with current federal PBC goals. Students will learn how to develop the performance work statement (PWS), how to determine appropriate performance standards and acceptable quality levels (AQL) and how to prepare a Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan (QASP). Sealed Bidding: Presents each step of the sealing bidding process and addresses all of the key issues that can arise when using this procurement method, such as: preparation of the solicitation, publication requirements, late bids, bid opening, mistakes in bids and contract award. Source Selection Under FAR Part 15: Students will learn about each step of the competitive negotiation process, including: development of the acquisition strategy, preparation and publication of the Request for Proposals, award without discussions, setting the competitive range, conducting discussions, proposal evaluation, making the best value tradeoff decision and providing effective debriefings. Simplified Acquisition Procedures: Students will learn how to determine whether simplified acquisition procedures may be used, how they may be used, how they can streamline agency procurements and how to comply with the competition and publication requirements that are unique to simplified acquisitions. Commercial Item Acquisitions: Students will learn how to determine if an item or service falls with in the scope of the "commercial item" definition in the FAR and how to apply the unique procurement procedures applicable to commercial item procurements. Additional topics include: data rights, applicability of the Truth in Negotiations Act, the commercial Changes clause, contract types, tailoring standard FAR clauses. Federal Appropriations Law: This course explains the complex area of federal appropriations law in an easily comprehensible way. The role and authority of Congress is discussed and an overview of the budget process is provided. Students will learn about the antideficiency act, the bona fide needs rule, the limitations of the Purpose statute (color of money issues) and the voluntary services prohibition. The Bid Protest Process: This course is essential for both government and contractor procurement personnel. Students will learn about the timeliness requirements for submitting a protest, what may be protested and who may protest. The materials also address the protest procedures at the General Accounting Office, the Court of Federal Claims and the Federal District Courts. Contract Costs: This course teaches the student how to determine the allowability of costs under cost-reimbursement contracts and discusses the allowability of several of the most important contract costs, such as: compensation costs, travel, bid and proposal costs, cost of money, advertising and consultant costs. The student will also learn about the requirements of the Truth in Negotiations Act and how to apply its exceptions. Contract Changes: In this course, the student will learn about one of the most important aspects of contract administration: Contract Changes. Students will learn the distinction between formal and constructive changes, the different types of contract changes, the rules of contract interpretation and the formal notice requirements of the Changes clause. Contract Inspection and Acceptance: Students will learn the requirements of the Inspection clauses used in federal contracts and will become familiar with the rights and liabilities of the parties under those clauses. Students will also learn the legal effect of acceptance of contract deliverables and the exceptions to the finality of acceptance. Government-Furnished Property: The federal government furnishes over $100 billion dollars worth of government property to its contractors. In this course, students will learn the rules that determine who is liable for damage to government property, the contractors duties to account for government property in its possession and the government's duty to provide suitable property in a timely manner. Requests for Equitable Adjustment (REA): Students will learn how to price equitable adjustments and how to prove the amount included in an REA. Students will also learn how to break down the elements of cost into direct costs, indirect costs, overhead, general and administrative (G&A) costs and profit. Terminations for Convenience: Students will learn how to determine the rights of the parties when a federal contract is terminated for convenience, the procedures that must be followed and how to determine the amount of the settlement. Terminations for Default: Students will learn how to determine the rights of the parties when a federal contract is terminated for default. The materials will address when a contract may be terminated for default, the notice requirements, the defenses available to the contractor and the standard of proof that the government must satisfy. Contract Claims: Students will learn how to submit and respond to contract claims, the essential elements and contents of a claim, the components and timeliness requirements of the Contracting Officer's Final Decision and the procedures used by the Boards of Contract Appeals and the Court of Federal Claims. |