Training Materials
Our personnel have developed course manuals that have been successfully used in thousands of courses. Student evaluations consistently rate our course materials as the best they have ever used. Our materials are tailored to the needs of the individual customer and are available in a variety of formats. For example, you can choose an outline format, a textbook format, presentation slides, discussion problems, interactive case studies, or any combination. A senior instructor will work with you to develop the ideal combination for your organization. You may also elect to have the course materials regularly updated so they can be used as a reliable reference long after the training session.

Key Benefits:

  •  Materials are comprehensive, clear and authoritative.
  •  Content and format of materials are tailored to your needs
  •  Optional materials upgrade service ensures that your workforce always has the most current references


Our personnel have developed acquisition training materials for courses ranging in length from a few hours to several weeks.  These materials have been successfully used in commercial acquisition training programs approved be the Federal Acquisition Institute and the Defense Acquisition University and have been used to meet the training requirements of the Defense Acquisition Workforce Improvement Act (DAWIA) and the Federal Acquisition Institute (FAI).  Course materials have also been used in many graduate law school courses accredited by the American Bar Association.

Categories of Training Materials Available

  • On-Line Course Content

We have developed the course content for many federal agency computer based training courses in areas of federal acquisition and federal appropriations law.  Our on-line content can be customized for the particular organization at no additional charge.

  • Presentation Slides

Training slides developed in PowerPoint ™ with or without teaching notes (as desired by customer)

  • Outlines

Although in outline format for purposes of clarity and ease of use, course outlines are authoritative and comprehensive.   Outlines can be used as stand-alone reference manuals long after the classroom training is over.

  • Textbooks

Textbooks are available in any length and on any acquisition topic desired by the customer.  A sample is available for review at: titled:  Appropriations Law: Principles and Practice